Conception of our values

Consulting needs identity.

Our objective is to become the most distinctive consultancy.


Consulting is a people’s business – Identity matters

By gaining experience within the consultancy industry with different companies, we became inspired by colleagues, partners and our clients. Their personal drive and determined mindsets gave us the drive to become the best business consultant we can possibly be.

We thought about what really mattered and it became apparent to us that “Consulting is a people’s business”.

Consulting is more than providing a service – it is treating every client individually.

Companies hire a Consultant when faced with a special or exceptional situation. Whatever the circumstances are it influences the atmosphere within the organization and every single person there has an emotional investment in the outcome.

Showing respect and behaving with integrity, knowing how to act in conjunction with others counts. Companies want more than just an efficient and effective problem solver.


The development process

  • 1st perception

In thinking about our positions during certain situations with clients we asked ourselves what kind of person we would prefer to have as a consultant. We shifted our point of view to that of the client or to the CEO’s perspective and came to understand one thing very clearly.

We would hire the person with the right professional qualifications, someone who is a problem solver having the drive to get the job done. But we would also hope that they would possess the social intelligence to know how to behave with our staff and our stakeholders in the appropriate manner in order to produce the best results. We would want a person with exceptional personal values and a distinct identity.

  • 2nd creation

Bearing that idea in mind, of combining the “best of both worlds” (professional and personal qualifications) we realized that this identity matters most. We evaluated the values which would meet the goal of describing ourselves and our identity the best. The process continued as we adapted the attributes and values that already existed and started deciding which new values we wanted to incorporate in order to become the most valuable consultants. This quest drove our behavior.

  • 3rd being

The result was a concept that combines both our professional attributes and our personal values. These six values define our identity, the fingerprint that we want to leave on every single project we run. We want this identity to remain in the mind of every person we speak with.

Making our fingerprints the most valuable and distinct in the world is the way we strive to become the best consultants we can possibly be for our clients.